Servers assist the priest at mass and help set an example for others. Any member of the parish who has received their first holy communion is eligible to serve at mass. Training will be provided for anyone who meets the requirement and wishes to serve in this capacity.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are adults who serve the Liturgy by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. Some may be called upon to bring communion to those who are hospitalized or homebound. Members of the parish who have an interest may contact us to let us know you are interested.
Proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy. This ministry requires a desire to understand Scripture. A good speaking voice is helpful, but mostly, one simply needs to be able to read efficiently and project the Word as they read.
Greeting people as they enter the church is an important part of our ministry. Ushers are needed to assist with seating, gathering the offertory during the mass, and the lines for receiving the Holy Eucharist.
Sacristans work behind the scenes to set up for the celebration of Mass. They arrive at least 30 minutes before the liturgy and stay after to make sure everything is properly stored.
Ministers of the music assist with leading the congregation in the music during the mass. We welcome anyone wishes to join us in singing for our masses.